Let's Catch Freedom!
01/06/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #1: Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations
01/27/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #2: Screening of "Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis"
02/24/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #3: Hellooo… can anybody hear me? I also have an opinion!
04/07/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #5: Where's my glacier?! What to do with the global warming mantra?
04/18/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #6: Legal Relationships and the Economy
04/18/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #7: The Rule of Law and Independence of Courts (Ljubljana)
04/19/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #8: The Rule of Law and Independence of Courts (Zagreb)
09/09/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #9: Efficiency of Slovenian Courts
09/19/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #10: Europe and America's Economic Future
12/12/11 Let's Catch Freedom! #11: Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations
03/20/12 Let's Catch Freedom! #12: Rights of Children and a Free Society
04/13/12 Let's Catch Freedom! #13: Free and Responsible (Šentjur)
04/14/12 Let's Catch Freedom! #14: Free and Responsible (Ravne)
07/31/12 Let's Catch Freedom! #15: Friedman Legacy for Freedom Day 2012
08/29/12 Let's Catch Freedom! #17: Austrian vs Chicago School of Economics
08/31/12 Let's Catch Freedom! #18: World Premiere of "Europe's Debt: America's Crisis?"