Tax Freedom Day

Tax Freedom Day is the day we stop working for the government and start working for ourselves. It is a different way of representing how much we pay in taxes each year. Tax Freedom Day is one of the indicators showing how much freedom we have as citizens.

The concept of Tax Freedom Day was developed in 1948 by Florida businessman Dallas Hostetler, who trademarked the phrase "Tax Freedom Day" and calculated it each year for the next two decades. Svetilnik has been calculating the TFD for Slovenia since 2008. Tax Freedom Day is an aggregated indicator, meaning that the calculation is made for an average Slovenian. Data sources for the calculation of Tax Freedom Day in Slovenia are Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development of the Republic of Slovenia, and Gregorian calendar. If you would like to learn more about the calculations, please feel free to contact us.



luyo says:

Slovenci smo pri delu tako obdavčeni, da se ne splača delati. Če štejemo v delo še zastonj malico, čas pavze in ostalih čik-pavz in na vse skupaj še prispevke, je delo v firmah obremenjeno z nenormalnimi vidnimi in prikritimi davki. Obdavčujemo tudi nedelo, administrativno pa to prikazujemo kot obdavčeno delo. Rezultat na koncu je preobdavčeno delo in premajhna storilnost. Bolano, samouničujče lepomišljenje.